Believe Today, Triumph Tomorrow

I’m acting as if it is so, even though it ain’t so,

in order for it to be so”.

Delman Coates, Ph.D.

In order to grow, in order to (hopefully) succeed, a Non-profit Leader needs to believe – in their self and their organization’s goal-driven plans. Those who wholeheartedly BELIEVE tend to thrive. Those who, on the other hand, are fervent Doubters are likely destined to flounder, not flourish. It’s that simple folks! Even with a great Mission and rock-solid resources (financial & human), a lackluster Executive Director who isn’t a believer is not likely to be an effectual Achiever either.

  • The ‘better outcomes‘ they seek may never come to be. The mission of the non-profit they lead may remain unaccomplished.
  • Passion, however deep it is, can not be allowed to be dampened by doubt. Doubt should be starved, not fed.

I’m acting as if it is so, even though it ain’t so, in order for it to be so”.

Where did I first hear these words?

The inspiring words of Delman Coates that led this post came from an Advent Sermon he delivered earlier this month. He was referring to the way Joseph was a believer. While this is not a spiritual blog, as I mused on the words from the December 10th sermon I realized something. They could be just as relevant to secular, non-spiritual individuals as their were to the Christians in the sanctuary that Sunday morning at Mt. Ennon Baptist Church (Clinton, MD). They could be inspiring, I believe, regardless of one’s spiritual personna and religious practices; you may I understand feel differently.

Believe Today

  • You can’t harbor unfounded doubt if you want to have true success, as a current or prospective Executive Director.
    • Regarding the latter, launching a Non-profit is vitally important work. If you have a believing mindset that is wobbly and half-hearted you will have a more challenging path to travel.
  • Marianne Williamson: “Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are adequate beyond measure.” If you are capable and adequate, there is no reason to not be a believer. Don’t fall into the doubt-feeding trap.
  • Delman Coates (quote that led this post)
    • Act as if it is so.
    • Even though it is not so yet, act as if it is already (i.e. believe today)

Triumph Tomorrow

Situations Where Believing Counts (and doubt is toxic):

  1. Struggling to achieve sustainability for an emerging Non-profit
  2. Successfully starting a new Non-profit (to achieve a Mission and Vision you have)
  3. Dealing with an unplanned challenge or crisis, the words of Coates and Williamson can prove invaluable

In all three of these situations, Believers will surely outperform Doubters.

  • Leaders of non-profits that doubt too much are prone to not get too much.
    • Concerns about potential risks and threats you may face are wise. However, worry that is fueled by a lack of believing in yourself, your Team, or your non-profit is not constructive.  Doubting when you should be confident can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Being worried when you should only be concerned is unwise and unhelpful.
    • Again, in order for it to be so (your desired outcome), you must I believe act as if it is so now.
  • Fear feeding isn’t helpful if you want to keep succeeding
  • Tomorrow’s triumphs are rooted in believing today.
    • As you make your New Year’s Resolutions, for your organization and yourself, please keep this Your Outcomes Well post in your mind.
  • Want it to be so? (i.e. want to achieve a goal for your non-profit)
    • Believe and act.

Happy New Year from Your Outcomes Well

Photo credit: markuso/